Green North provides periodic health checks for employees

On the morning of November 24, 1818, Northern Land Real Estate and Services Joint Stock Company has cooperated with Medlatec General Hospital to carry out periodical health checks for all employees at its head office.

Accelerating momentum, the North Green Land replenished large amount of personnel, ready to finish 2018 successfully.

Green Land strengthens management capacity for management

Nearly 1500 brothers in North Vietnam meet to accelerate to 2018!

Busy work sometimes makes us forget to balance our lives, take care of ourselves or take regular health checks to prevent and treat illnesses. Therefore, in the morning of 24/11/2018, the North Greenland health examination at the company, creating the most convenient for all staff, detecting and timely prevention of possible diseases. out.

Prior to the official consultation, all employees have been informed by HCNS, guide to the clinic is favorable. The staff of Green Land North is present at the office on time and strictly follow the regulations to make the visit fast and good.

All staff have been sampled for blood analysis, urinalysis, blood glucose, liver and kidney diseases. In addition, CBVN also has ENT, eyes, facial teeth, dermatology, ultrasound, X-ray, ...

During the examination, each staff member was consulted by doctors at Medlatec General Hospital about their health status, overcome bad habits, should drink enough water each day, combine exercise Sports to improve health. Based on the results of the physical examination and laboratory tests, staff will be more in control of the actual condition and appropriate care for themselves.

Being a meaningful annual activity of the company, the organization of periodical health check not only help staff know the health of themselves, quickly take preventive measures and timely treatment, but also help Leadership assesses the correlation between health and work requirements, and makes appropriate adjustments to ensure the best benefit for both workers and businesses.

At the North Green Land, people are the foundation and the factor that brings success, strong growth for the company in the past years. With this practical annual activity, Dat Xanh wishes to bring the whole staffs attention, better care about life and welfare, create long-lasting momentum, and build stronger Green Land. .

Green North



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